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the codex purpureus

The most important document found near Tortona and dating from the VIIIth Century, is the Codex Purpureus, an ancient version of Saint John’s Gospel handwritten on a sheepskin using golden and silver inks. The parchment  was decorated with gorgeous manuscript miniatures.According to the legend,  in the 8th Century, Saint RUFINUS, when he was still a knight,  received this document from Charlemagne as a reward for his epic deeds during the medieval battles in France Later the Knight converted and became a hermit, spending the last years of his life in Sarezzano near Tortona. People thought the Codex had miraculous features, as a sort of relic, and some pieces were torn and given to worshippers. Rufinus was buried with the Codex Purpureus which was found in a wooden box with a wonderful miniature painted on it . For many, many years nobody found the precious document. At last  in 1872  during the  restoration of the church in Sarezzano a young priest discovered it.

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